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Long live the daily newspaper!

Daily press has for a couple of hundred years been the primor guarantor of objective information to the public. The morning paper has told what is going on in society and delivered a basis for discussion and opinion.

We don’t think about it every day, but it is the mission of the daily newspaper to give people an opportunity to take a stand. It is the mission of the daily newspaper to combat indifference. And in our modern days to combat desinformation that is exposed in social media.
That is an extremely important mission that can’t be let down.

But it is time to realize that newsprint belongs to the past. That is the secret. We will take command in a new news world and get rid of costs that more and more have turned out to be an affliction, namely printing and distribution. Because it is not the rustle of paper that creates the sense of affinity between newspaper and reader. What it is all about is rather a trust that has been established generation by generation.
And that is how it has to remain.

It is all about regaining the initiative. To introduce an offer that is too good to refuse.
To do that, we use the same trick that they used when newspapers were introduced.
We use modern technology.

Digitized distribution and digitized subscribing in a totally new shape help us to accomplish our mission. Anything that the subscriber needs is delivered in an iPad, and the subscribtion doesn’t cost more than a subscribtion of the printed newspaper does today. That is a good start to a piece of new newspaper history.

How informed are you if you don’t read a morning paper?
What do morning papers mean to social development?
This way, the university can investigate if our model is a possible way to save the morning paper as well as democracy.
At the University of Uppsala they are investigating the possibilities to allocate resources to research in this field.

Not only in the region and the nation but also in the entire world.

1. Our Purpose.


To browse a newspaper gives an overview of what is going on in society. To gain the knowledge that insight in the environmenty gives is the basis to be able to attend elections and lay a vote for the party you believe match your own opinions best. The role of the daily newspaper is unique – and well worth fighting for.

2. Our Challenge.


Today, young people are under way to become a lost generation to newspapers. Most of the young don’t buy papers and very few are willing to pay for digital news.

Older subscribers literally disappear from the subscriber stock. And if no one subscribes to the paper, there are no one who will pay for the important journalism that values and reviews news. We will fail to accomplish our publishing mission.


Naturally, it is not at all as interesting to advertise in a newspaper when other communication is digital.  Where the customers are, there are the advertisers.

The newpapers’ days are over, there are no new generation that will appreciate the value in wetting a thumb and turn the page in order to receive the latest news from the neighbourhood.

3. Our Mission


After all, it is not the rustle of paper that gives the sense of togetherness between newspaper and reader. What it is all about is more a confidence that has been built generation by generation. And so it must remain. And that is how it has to remain.

It is all about regaining the initiative. To introduce an offer that is too good to be rejected.

We will manage that by doing what was done when newspapers were a new phenomenon. Namely to use modern technics.

4. Our Offer


What the newspapers need is a new distribution channel. A channel that has nothing to do with classic home deliveries of newspapers. Our model is exactly that. Digititized distribution and digitized subscribtion in a totally new format. Anything that the subscriber needs is delivered in an iPad. The subscribtions costs exactly the same amount as a subscribtion to the old newspaper.


Why would people prefer this kind of subscription? Well, here are some good reasons:

  1. 1. The customer will obtain a local news subscribtion that includes an E-Newspaper and a home page that is constantly updated.
  2. 2. Every other year, the customer will receive a new iPad with the latest features.
  3. 3. Since the newspaper as supplier can integrate the data we receive from the customer with other information, we can create an individual profile for every subscriber and customize serious propositions.
  4. 4. The subscriber can use our iPad as any tablet and beside the connection with the newspaper communicate with services of their choice, e-mail and tweet and whatever.

By owning the distribution channel, we will have considerably better opportunities to develop the publishing work. To return to the mission of the newspaper, to promote democracy.

With a distribution channel of our own, we can market the experience of turning the pages of a newspaper. And we can accompish more than that. We can market it as a new experience for a new customer group.

We phase out costs that more and more have been a loading for the editing profession. Printing and distribution.

5. Our Goal


We can’t slow down development, we can’t turn the clock back. But we can take a big step forward and regain the initiative at the regional market.

That is one of the fundamental ideas with owning the tablet. By developing a regional community, we will have time and opportunity to regain all that the newspaper once stood for and that gave the readers a feeling of family affiliation. Buy and sell, club information, family news and such.


We have the local platform. Contacts, history. Local news gathered at one place. Letters to the editor, sport pages, TV schedules, reviews, local politics. We have the technique. We have the resources. We have a lot of knowledge. Thanks to all that, we have a gold mine.

Actually, it is all about regarding the subscribers as readers as well as customers. They pay their fees, and by that there is already an economic relation between them and us.

We will improve our customer connections. We will keep the customer in focus, total focus, right through the entire process. Nothing is more important.

Our subscribers’ database will be the heart of the system. There we will keep data regarding all customers, there we will have business possibilities. With a solid subscriber stock we can win the advertisers back.

6. Research


Democracy is the skeleton of the morning paper. People who have a paper browse through it every day, regardless of interest areas, and always assimilate something.

You may be totally uninterested in society matters, but as long as you have a newspaper you always have a hunch about local matters. That goes not only for the newspaper but also for the E-Newspaper. You browse, you take notes somewhere in the brain.

How informed are you if you don’t read a daily newspaper in the good old way? What do newspapers mean to social development?

This way, the university can investigate if our model is a possible way to save the morning paper as well as democracy.
That way we may get som confirmation that our project is a model that saves the newspapers as well as the democracy.
Not only where you live but in the whole world.