With the Universal Check iPad system, we will gradually return to a normal situation. It will be profiable to advertise in the daily newspaper again. And it will also be possible to reach specific groups through the database that is the foundation not only for the newspaper subscribers but also for business subscribtions, official target groups like politicians and clerks as well as other organizations that discover the advantages with our iPad system.

Basically it is all about creating confidence and focusing on the customer. To find the balance between informing and delivering dishonest and tiresome advertising. Someone has to be responsible for the customer, and we are prepared to play that role. A commercial foundation for the whole process is that there is an existing system for micropayments. We already have the payment flows, there is no need for invoicing or other administration. We can offer services that cost however little, it is the quantity that gives the big income.

The tablet has no limits, it works as any computer. You can enter home pages, write letters to the editor, load down different games and programs. You can read news from places of your choice, use apps, watch YouTube or anything.

We don’t suggest that each and everybody will walk around with an iPad just like if it was a cell phone, but it will undoubtedly be more and more noticed. With the newspaper subscription and other forms of connection comes offers from entertainment companies, banks, insurance companies and such. It is an attractive platform on a serious foundation, and the whole concept is based on understanding the customer’s needs and deep loyalty. And the base of the whole thing is the absolutely strongest regional trade mark, the daily newspaper.